Forces of Nature- Chapter 2

The Riddle

Sensei Wu POV

    “Wait- what do you mean, CHANGING?” Nya asked nervously.
    Wu related everything he had seen to Nya. She looked shocked, so he gave her a minute to let it sink in.
    “We have to tell them!” She shrieked.
    Right then, Cole happened to walk in.
    “Tell who what?” He inquired.
    Nya looked at me quickly, then right back at Cole.
    “I have a matter which I wish to discuss with all of you.” I replied, “It is very important, so I wish for both of you to gather your teammates and meet me in the game room in 30 minutes.”
    “Yes, Sensei.” He answered as he bowed, a slightly confused look on his face as he exited.
    ‘He is reliable, just like his element. Or maybe soon to be his PAST element.’ I thought with a sigh. “Hold on a moment Nya.” I said, “Can you make sure the ninja actually make it to the living room and stay there? I have something I need to discuss with Misako a moment.”
    “Of course, Sensei.” She chuckled at my remark. “I’ll watch the guys until you get there.” She bowed and went to find the boys. I smiled and went to find Misako, and prayed she would help me understand what I had seen in my vision.
    Misako was in the hold at a table studying a piece of what looked like a ripped scroll. I quietly, as not to disturb her, opened the door and walked in, shutting it behind me.
    “Misako,” I said, “I have an important matter to discuss.”
    She jumped up from her chair and it toppled to the ground.
    “Wu!” She gasped, “You always scare me when you do that! You at least need to tell me when you want to talk to me when I’m working. Or trying to work, anyway.”
    “I am very sorry Misako,” I apologized, “but this is a topic which can not wait.”
    “Okay,” she sighed, “What is it?”
    As I told her of all that had happened, she asked no questions until I was done. Suddenly her eyes got as large as saucers.
    “Tell me what elements they’re going to have again!” She responded impatiently as she moved to get a sheet of paper and a pencil.
    “Kai had Lloyd’s power, Lloyd had Cole’s, Cole had Zane’s, Zane had Jay’s, and Jay had Kai’s.” I repeated.
    She wrote it all down and gasped almost immediately after finishing.
    “I think I know what this means!” She said, “I found a scroll that mentions something like this. Listen to this:
    ‘Elements change, according to season,
    Sometimes without any rhyme or a reason,
    Though time will tell if darkness will rise,
    To put it back right, you must fix the ties.
    If you are willing to do such a thing,
    Then you should do what a master would do.
    To go find the answer without nails or springs,
    Go back to the place where you made bonds anew,
    And then made a team with the people you knew.
    When you succeed in finding the traces,
    Of people you love now in once-familiar places,
    All you must do recover yourself,
    Is to master the force you now have in yourself.’
Then it goes on to mention something about a ‘Beauty born of darkness wielding the power of the moon and stars’.” She stood in thoughtfulness for a moment, and then stood up and gasped, “I think it means that someone is deliberately trying to change the ninjas elements!”
    My eyes widened as I realized what she meant.
    “You think somebody is trying to steal the ninja’s power?” I asked, slightly confused.
    “Yes, basically.” She replied. “Now we must go tell the ninja about this so they will not worry about it.“
    And just then, a knock sounded at the door and a muffled voice came from the other side.
    “Sensei?” It was Nya. “We’re all gathered and ready for you in the living room.”
    “Thank you Nya.” I replied as I got to my feet. “I will be out shortly.”

Cole POV

         A few minutes earlier…

    As I closed the door to Misako’s office, thought about what I had heard before I walked in. I hadn’t meant to, of course, I had meant to knock, but that couldn’t be helped now. It had sounded something like “…tell the ninja about this so they will not worry about it.” ‘Worry about what?’ I pondered as I turned the corner to walk up to the top deck of Destiny’s Bounty. I reached the top of the steps, but I didn’t notice Zane was sitting on the deck, petting his robotic falcon on his shoulder.

    “Hello, Cole.” My friend with the sixth sense said without turning around. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the fact that he can sense me when I am nearby. He said he can “feel” all of us, and that we all have a “presence” that he can sense. He says that Jay has an electric pulse that makes you feel like the hair on your arms is standing up, Kai has heat radiating off of him and a reckless flame inside that could flare at any moment, and I was a very solid and protective wall of sorts. He says that he would probably project a very light frost, and a cool, calm feel, and that Nya has a mix of calmness and flexibility about her.

    “Hey, Zane.” I replied as I sat down next to him. “What are you and your falcon doing out here? It’s kind of chilly today, and Nya says it will probably rain later. I just don’t want your metal to rust since you don’t have your face cover anymore.” He chuckled at this, but not in a mean way.

    “Cole, as you remember, I am a NINDROID. I KNOW if it will rain, and right now it is a 54.1% chance of rain. And I am titanium, I do not rust.”

    “Oh yeah.” I said. Only Zane could state a fact and not sound like a know-it-all. I really liked that. “Oh, I almost forgot. Sensei wants us all downstairs in the living room in-“ I checked my comlink. “-23 minutes exactly.” I knew Zane had a logical mind, and everything has to be very specific. “Can you grab Jay and Kai and I’ll get Lloyd?”

    “Of course, brother.” Zane said as we both got up. “My falcon and I will find them. I saw Lloyd in the training room 17 minutes ago if you are wondering.”   

    “Okay, thanks.” I told him as we went our separate ways.

8 minutes later…

    I ran down to the training room after I had checked the kitchen for cake. (No luck. Only some leftovers from yesterday when Kai cooked. Ugh.) I could hear Lloyd grunting as he trained. Sometimes it seemed like he trained all the time, day and night. Makes sense when your dad was the warlord who wanted to take over Ninjago not so long ago.

I poked my head in the door and said, “Hey, Lloyd, if you’re done completely disintegrating the dummy, Sensei wants us all upstairs in 15 minutes.”

“Okay,” he panted, “I’ll be up in a minute.” I left the room and went to find Zane and meet up in the living room.


Zane POV

8 minutes earlier

    Cole and I parted, and I went down into the hold to look for Kai and Jay. Knowing them, there was a 93.7% chance they were arguing over a video game. As I suspected, when I arrived at the door to the video game room, I could hear yelling inside.


    “Oh I am SO sorry Kai! I thought you were the beast!”

    “P.I.X.A.L., calculate approximately how long it will take to get them away from the screen and upstairs.” After a moment, she chuckled, “About 30 seconds, if you bribe them with your cooking. But in worst case scenario, about an hour.”

    “Well, it IS my night to cook anyway…” I commented. I smiled and popped my head in the door. “Hey Jay and Kai! The food is almost ready!” I shouted over the music of their game.

    “WHAT?! AND YOU DIDN’T TELL US!” They both turned around and yelled, game forgotten. ”Wait,” Jay said, sniffing the air, “there’s no food cooking.” But by the time that they had realized that, my falcon had flown in and unplugged their game. “AWWWW!!! Come ON!” They moaned.

    “That is exactly what Sensei wishes us to do, and go to the living room right now.” I said to them as I turned around and walked out. They grumbled under their breath and followed.


Sensei Wu POV

         As I walked towards the living room, I was deep in thought. How could we possibly protect the ninja from this fate? Would they be stuck like the spirits showed me if we couldn’t? Or worse?

         I arrived at the living room, and when I reached for the door handle, I heard a ruckus from inside. It sounded like Kai and Jay were at it again, fighting over something. I opened the door to hear-

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